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Charlottesville Parks and Recreations is offering free dinners to any children who need them this summer

Jun 24, 2023

Charlottesville Parks and Recreation will host free dinners for children at some of the city's public and low income housing communities for about a month this summer.

The dinners will be served on a first come, first serve basis — and anyone can attend.

The meals are a part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Summer Food Service Program, a federally funded program focused on feeding children in the summertime, while the free school lunch program is not operating.

The dinners will run from June 28-July 23. The schedule is as follows:

The kids who attend will eat foods like yogurt and granola, to turkey sandwiches, hummus and more.

Each dinner will also include games, arts and crafts and possibly some field trips, said Karin Gainniny, meals coordinator for the parks department.

Anyone 18 or younger is invited to join the dinners.

For more information, contact Riaan Anthony, deputy director of Parks and Recreation, at anthonyr [AT] charlottesville [DOT] gov.

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"I’m tired of them calling this ‘the hood,’" said Jace Wright, a teen who lives in Friendship Court, which is being completely rebuilt. "We’re trying to make the neighborhood better for the future."

But those changes depend on community input, grant funding and whether or not refugee families want to move their bountiful gardens.

Next on the In My Humble Opinion podcast, India Sims talks about the challenges of doing simple things in a city that won't change.

I'm Charlottesville Tomorrow's education and families reporter. Reach out to me by email or on Twitter. Also, subscribe to our newsletter! C’mon, it's free.